Experts from PKUSH share experience in tackling COVID-19 pandemic with Chile
Peking University, April 14, 2020: Ma Hong, chief physician of Peking University Sixth Hospital, shares anti-pandemic experience in psychological intervention with Chile experts on a webinar held on March 27 by Tsinghua University.
In Chile, 1610 cases have been confirmed and 5 of them died up to local time 21:00, March 26, according to its health ministry. Ma suggests that, accordingly, Chile should pay more attention to the prevention of social panic as the pandemic continues to sprawl. Measures proposed by Dr. Ma includes setting anti-pandemic headquarters, strengthening cooperation mechanism, organizing interdisciplinary specialist teams for policy support, and popularizing personnel protection in the public.

Ma also stresses the importance of epidemiological survey as an effective way to locate the source of infection and quarantine people exposed to coronavirus, thus stemming the COVID-19 proliferation in Chile.
Fernando Reyes Matta, Chile’s former ambassador to China and current director of the Latin American Center for China Studies at Andrés Bello University, expresses his hope that China’s experience be very helpful in tackling the possible social panic in pandemic. Professor Eduardo Vera from Chile University also extends his gratitude to the Chinese experts present at the webinar.
On March 24, Dr. Ma went to Wuhan for mental crisis intervention, as designated by National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China.
Written by: Bai Qingwen
Edited by: Liu Xin
Source: PKU News (Chinese)