PKU•Mayo Clinic Primary Medical Innovation and Application Forum Held in Beijing
On December 12, under the joint guidance of Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHS…
December 23-2019 -
PKU Cancer Hospital Cohosts the 11th Asian Conference on Ultrasound Contrast Imaging
From November 22 to 24, initiated and chaired by Professor Chen Minhua, chief expert at Pe…
December 23-2019 -
Nine PKU Experts Win 6th China Medical Women’s Association’s Science and Technology Award
On December 7, the 5th China Medical Women’s Congress and 6th China Medical Women’s Associ…
December 23-2019 -
PUPH Sends Medical Mission to Uzbekistan
An ophthalmological team of Peking University People’s Hospital was sent on a medical miss…
December 23-2019 -
SKLNBD Researchers Publish on Science Breakthroughs in Schmidt-like Reactions
A research group led by Prof. Jiao Ning at Peking University State Key Laboratory of Natur…
December 23-2019 -
National Center for Trauma Medicine Inaugurated
The National Center for Trauma Medicine was inaugurated on December 7 at Peking University…
December 23-2019 -
PKUHSC Delegation Visits Bank of Hainan and Signs Donation Agreement
Recently, Bank of Hainan (BOH) donated funds to set up "PKU- BOH Innovation Project on Med…
December 10-2019 -
Malawi First Lady Gertrude Mutharika Visits PKUHSC
On December 3, Professor Gertrude Mutharika, the first lady of Malawi, led a delegation to…
December 10-2019 -
Wang Jun and Dong Erdan from PKU Medicine Elected Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Results of new member election of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Ac…
December 05-2019 -
NCHPED Signs Strategic Memorandum with Elsevier
The National Center for Health Professions Education Development (NCHPED) signed a strateg…
December 03-2019 -
Fifth PKU-UPenn Sleep Medicine Forum Held in Beijing
The Fifth PKU-UPenn Sleep Medicine Forum & PKU Medicine 2019 International Forum on Sleep…
December 03-2019 -
Joint Research Symposium of PKUHSC–KCL British Heart Foundation Center of Research Excellence Held
On November 12, 2019, the Joint Research Symposium between Peking University Health Scienc…
November 26-2019 -
The founding Ceremony of PKUHSC Medical Technology Research Institute Held
On November 13, 2019, the founding ceremony of Medical Technology Research Institute (MTRI…
November 26-2019 -
PKU Health Science Center Signs MOU with University College London and Moorfields Eye Hospital
On November 1, a delegation of University College London (UCL) and Moorfields Eye Hospital…
November 14-2019 -
2019 PKU Health Science International Forum on Autism Spectrum Disorders Held Successfully
From October 26 to 27, the “Peking University Health Science International Forum on Autism…
November 14-2019 -
Michigan-PKU Joint Institute for Translational and Clinical Research Holds 9th Annual Symposium
From October 30 to November 1, Michigan Medicine-Peking University Health Science Center J…
November 14-2019 -
International Cooperation and Results Transformation Forum Held During the 9th JI Symposium
The Forum of International Cooperation and Results Transformation was held on October 31 a…
November 12-2019 -
Delegation of Maeumsarang Hospital Visits Peking University Sixth Hospital
A delegation of Jeonbuk Provincial Maeumsarang Hospital visited Peking University Sixth Ho…
November 12-2019 -
PKUPH and the Lancet Collaborate for the New Development of Clinical Research
"The 2nd PKUPH-Lancet Clinical Research Forum", jointly sponsored by Peking University Peo…
November 07-2019 -
The first Reproductive Genomics Conference and the Founding Ceremony of ISRG held in Beijing
On October 26, the First Reproductive Genomics Conference and the founding Ceremony of the…
November 07-2019